Saturday, September 13, 2008


7:15am woke up to Maia saying, "I hungy mom, come out famie room"
8am amazing egg, potatoe breaksfast cooked by chef randy.
9am walked over to our neighbor/new friends house for a garage sale; sold a few items, but mostly had a really good time talking. They have one boy turning 5 and one girl turning 4 and one little baby boy. Really nice family.
12pm ate pizza, salad and ice water; side of guac and chips, again made by Randy.
12:45pm Maia goes down for nap, Aiden and Randy to haircuts, Danielle decides to follow Maia's lead and lays down to nap for 2 long hours. Heavenly.
3:30 play outside, ate grapes, killed some spiders
5pm decided to venture into Downtown Boise for dinner
6pm arrive in Hyde park, eat yummy warm pastrimi and spicy chicken sandwhiches, raspberry lemonade, sit on patio, listen to blues music and enjoy the very old, very large trees.
7pm walk two blocks, get old fashioned icecream bars and jelly beans.
8pm drive back to our cute house while kids throw sugar-meltdown fits in the car.
8:30pm kids in bed, ahhhhhh.
9pm write my day down on blog.

All is all, a really nice day.

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